
Decentralization revolution​

New business models, new ways to collaborate

Blockchain technology appeared in the midst of the cyberpunk movement, intending to revolutionize the financial system, but Bitcoin was only the first use case. At Inetum, we analyse the impact and potential of this technology in all sectors and applications. The keyword is decentralization, a challenge for current relationship models. We help our clients to propose the best strategy, discover new business models, and collaborate from all perspectives. Our goal is to identify use cases and design and deploy solutions in which blockchain truly represents added value for companies and organizations.. ​

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Let’s blockchain together!​

We guarantee excellent service from the design phase to production start-up and support. Inetum develops only high-quality, real, compliant, and scalable projects backed by a business case.​

Project development always includes the design and analysis of a business case, working on the value proposition of blockchain technology through Canvas and other objective methodologies.​

Our multidisciplinary team builds end-to-end solutions for real use with the highest level of acceptance for users. Not just Proof of Concept. We seek to transfer our capacity for innovation to people's lives.​


We involve all the important areas in the organization to guarantee a compliance solution in all aspects, especially security and legal.​

We explore the power of combining blockchain technology with other technologies – IoT, Biometrics, Big Data, etc. – through Proofs of Concept that are always reusable at a production start-up. We guarantee that ideas scale vertically and horizontally to optimize the efforts invested in the early stages.​

At the forefront of technology in the global ecosystem​

Blockchain is a constantly evolving technology that has not stopped growing and evolving. To offer the best service, our team continually investigates the new coming technologies and protocols. We test them to discover their value within the projects we develop, always offering our clients the most cutting-edge technology and the most appropriate ecosystem.​

We have a multidisciplinary team with experience in the development of solutions of all kinds based on blockchain. According to each client's needs, this diversity allows us to approach the development of blockchain projects from all angles.​

We offer the rollout of a complete solution in the cloud, working with the best providers: Google, Azure, and AWS. We configure and deploy blockchain networks based on Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, Hyperledger Besu, or Quorum, among others. We develop smart contracts and chains in Java, Go, or Solidity.​

We are members of the Spanish blockchain consortium, Alastria, and we actively participate in different commissions. In particular, we participate in the identity commission to define and develop the decentralized identity model promoted by Alastria. Alastria ID is an implementation of a Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) standard with verifiable credentials. We are cybersecurity experts, contributing to node security audits through penetration testing and other methodologies. We are currently also auditing smart contracts.​

We furthermore participate in the global alliance promoted by the IDB group's innovation laboratory, LACChain, contributing to its development and exploring interoperability.​

We are founders of the Blockchain Campus at the Polytechnic University of Madrid to disseminate our expertise and train new professionals in this area.

Our solution portfolio​

Disruptive, decentralized and seamless tools

Inetum has several initiatives on Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), a disruptive concept in which each person decides what happens with their data, with whom they share it at all times, and for what purpose. It is a tool to facilitate compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for both users and companies. Besides, there is the possibility that specific data are accredited by recognized issuers, thus reducing the costs of verifying information in redundant processes. This powerful model has multiple positive impacts in terms of Customer Satisfaction Score (CSS) and reducing abandonment rates in digital hiring or registration processes. Our solutions make use of the Verifiable Credentials standard proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in the implementation of Alastria ID or LACChain ID, among others, guaranteeing interoperability and scaling. This very disruptive concept is easily integrable into any existing process through our SDKs and APIs. We also have the experience and ability to integrate biometrics into this model.​

Based on our experience in the development of use cases and Proofs of Concept, we have developed our own methodology to accompany each client in discovering the processes in which blockchain provides true value. To do this, “blockchain sherpas” from various departments of the organization are selected so that, adding to the diversity of points of view, they receive adapted training to identify a use case and design a pilot with a powerful business case within your organization. Several programs are available with different durations (from 3 days) and number of participants. In the end, each participants receives a certificate of attendance that is registered in the blockchain.​

Tokenization is one of the most powerful aspects of blockchain technology as it allows the transfer of assets guaranteeing traceability, immutability, and integrity. Our micro incentives platform consists of a mobile application for end-users and a management web portal to configure the allocation rules and the tokens' life cycle. This system's implementation is applicable in multiple areas such as corporate for employees, municipalities for citizens, or more specific groups. The tool's functions are easily integrated into existing applications.​

Our blockchain solution for electronic voting allows, in a parameterized way, to configure each vote's characteristics, preserve voters' anonymity, and guarantee the integrity and transparency of votes and results. OUr fronts are customizable, and the logic is easily integrable with existing systems through APIs.​ ​

The rollout of nodes in blockchain networks of different technologies is a repetitive, tedious task that requires blockchain experts with specific knowledge. We have developed a tool that allows us to configure at all levels and automatically deploy nodes in Ethereum networks and Hyperledger Fabric. We can integrate any open-source distributed technology in the factory. Having a blockchain network has never been so cheap! Optionally, we offer the possibility of hosting these nodes in our CPDs to simplify, in addition to monitoring and network support, both testnets and mainnets.

​Blockchain technology guarantees the integrity and persistence of what is stored on the network, but it does not guarantee the quality or veracity of the entered data. We offer complete solution-security analysis services, as well as penetration tests and other methodologies to secure the infrastructure of the nodes that make up the network. Additionally, we have a team of experts and automatic tools to analyse smart contracts and wallets, detecting vulnerabilities or efficiency improvements.​

We innovate for your business​

We offer our expertise in many sectors, and our business know-how to identify use cases in which blockchain technology brings a clear benefit. At Inetum, we accompany our clients through advanced consulting processes to realistically identify the most powerful, scalable use cases with the best return on investment for your organization.​

We are a great team of experts, developers, and architects who are passionate about distributed technologies. We enjoy the challenges of implementing a distributed technology that revolutionizes traditional processes, designing new use cases and disruptive business models.​

Inetum technically leads blockchain working groups in several international consortia. We create, learn, and contribute to the global blockchain community by contributing to the most promising open-source projects. We have an excellent ecosystem of partners.​

We are winners of the global hackathon at the Global Blockchain Converge 2019 organized by the European Commission (INATBA) and Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem. We have positioned ourselves as a leader by demonstrating our differential capabilities in designing scalable solutions.

Due to the experience in defining use cases and Proof of Concept development, we have devised our own methodology to design with each client the blockchain solution that really adds value to their organization.​

We continuously investigate the appearance of new distributed technologies. We test their latest upgrades to choose the most appropriate network or deploy it in our factory. We collaborate with several universities, and have created the Blockchain Campus at the Polytechnic University of Madrid to disseminate our expertise and train future professionals in this field.​