
Corporate assessment packs

Approach: 3 Steps!


  • Cloud journey presentation
  • Stakeholders
  • Approach
  • Prerequisites explanation
  • Collect expectations and inspire with financial and business benefits


  • Collect first technical information
  • Requirements of collector
  • Manage Stratozone solution for automatic or/and manual data collect
  • Collect information about :
    • Business challenges
    • Operating model
    • Security requirements
    • Software development lifecycle
    • IT Governance & decisions organization


  • Prepare Target Model according to Gartner 5R
  • Analyse perimeter and dependency
  • Define Goals and Constraints
  • Design the scenarios of migration and/or transformation
  • Customer Leadership meeting


3 deliverables

Cloud Strategy synthesis
Technical findings of the assessment; Financial comparisons and TCO-ROI; Google Cloud products and solution offerings that map to customer assets
Overview of Customer’s intended timeline and scope of migration; Efficiencies and improvements (such as security, operations etc.) from migrating to Google Cloud; Cloud adoption plan and first-mover proposal

Predefined Scope Of Work

Predefined Scope Of Work

Steps Key activities Prerequisites Deliverables Small
200+ servers
500+ servers
900+ servers
1 Kickoff All stakeholders's availability Presentation support One hour meeting 2 hours meeting Dedicaced proposal
  Expectations Sponsor, financial and business SME's availability Cloud Strategy Synthesis

3 hours workshop

2x2 hours workshop Dedicaced proposal
2 Global technical Technical SME's availability (network, system, middleware) Cloud Strategy Synthesis 3 hours workshop 2x2 hours workshop Dedicaced proposal
  IT Tech assessment Existing inventory, customer technician must install data collector with Inetum's support

Inventory, Initial summary report

Offline work Offline work Dedicaced proposal
  IT Operating assessment Order this optional activities, Business architect's availability, IT Manager's availability, CSO and CIO's availabilities Workshop(s) report, Summary Business 2x2 hours workshop 4x2 hours workshop Dedicaced proposal
3 Target scenario IT assessment complete, Cloud strategy leader's availability Target model 2 hours workshop 2x2 hours workshop Dedicaced proposal
  Target plan Sponsor and Cloud strategy leader's availability, SME's availability Consumption mapping to Google Cloud solutions, Migration wave planning 2 hours workshop 2x2 hours workshop Dedicaced proposal
  FIrst proposal Executive audience Cloud adoption plan, First mover workload proposal 2 hours meeting 2x2 hours meeting Dedicaced proposal