Inetum contest

Inetum contest

All Paris Saint-Germain Handball supporters

March 13, 2022

Article 1: Organization of the competition

Inetum, a public limited company with share capital of 133,141,542.00 euros, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Bobigny, under number 385 365 713, whose head office is located at 145 boulevard Victor Hugo, 94300 Saint-Ouen is organizing a free competition (hereinafter referred to as the “Competition”), entitled “All supporters of Paris Saint-Germain Handball”.

This transaction is subject exclusively to these rules (hereinafter the “Rules”).

Article 2: Purpose of the competition

The game will be announced on March 13, 2022 on the Group's social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and on the " Inetum " photo booth present at the Pierre de Coubertin stadium in Paris 16th.

The game will take place on Sunday March 13, 2022, during the PSG HB – HBC Nantes match at the Stade Pierre de Coubertin (Paris 16th) and will end on the same day at 11:59 p.m. Game content will be available in French.

Game mechanics:

To participate, the participant must be of legal age, internal or not to the Inetum group.

The Internet user can only play once and can only be drawn once.

A draw will designate the winner among the participants who have posted a photo on social networks (Instagram and Twitter) with the following 2 hashtags: #PSGNAN #BestSupporter.

1 winner will be designated and will win 1 autographed jersey in the size of their choice (depending on the sizes available). Choice of: “home match” or “away match” shirt.

Participation in the competition implies unreserved acceptance of these rules in their entirety, hereinafter “the Rules”.

Article 3: Date and duration

The contest is open on March 13, 2022 and will close on March 13, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.

The organizer reserves the right to extend the participation period and postpone any announced date but also, if circumstances so require, to interrupt the competition at any time.

Article 4: Conditions of participation & validity of participation Article 4-1 Conditions of participation

The competition is open to all adults.

Are not authorized to participate in the competition, any person who collaborated in the organization of the competition as well as the members of their respective direct families.

Article 4-2 Validity of participation

Any entry deemed fraudulent will be voided and will not be eligible to enter the draw.

The organizer reserves the right to eliminate from the draw and/or competition any entry that does not comply with the rules, in particular any incomplete or illegible comment. The organizing company reserves the right to cancel any entry deemed fraudulent.

Article 5: Designation of winners

A draw will be made among all the photos published on Instagram and Twitter with the #PSGNAN and #BestSupporter and whose profile will be public on social networks. The winner will be contacted on Monday, March 14.

The draw will take place on March 14, 2022 via the website

The organizer reserves the right to change the date of one or more draw(s).

Any comment including an erroneous and/or incomplete declaration and/or not respecting these rules, drawn will be considered null and will result in the designation of another participant by a new draw.

Article 6: Designation of Lots

The prizes for the competition are as follows: 1 autographed jersey in the size of your choice (depending on the sizes available). Choice of: “home match” or “away match” shirt.

Article 7: Information or Publication of the names of the winners

Winners will be notified by email.

Article 8: Delivery or withdrawal of Lots

Details on the event will be sent by Inetum once contact has been established by email.

If there is no response to the email announcing the winner's victory and inviting him to communicate his contact details within 7 days (i.e. before Monday March 21, 2022), the prize will be lost. It may be awarded to another participant drawn at random if the organizing company so decides.

Incorrect e-mail address, incorrect postal address: (information by e-mail)

If the e-mail address is incorrect or does not correspond to that of the winner, or if for any other reason related to technical problems, the information e-mail is not sent correctly, the organizer cannot under any circumstances be held for responsible. Similarly, it is not up to the organizer to search for contact details of the winner who cannot be reached due to an invalid or illegible email address, or an incorrect postal address.

Batches not withdrawn

The winner who cannot be reached, or who does not respond to validate their prize within 7 days, i.e. March 21, 2022 (or another date if the date of the draw has been modified by the organizer), will not be able to claim any prize. , compensation or indemnity of any kind.

The prizes awarded are personal and non-transferable. In addition, the prizes cannot under any circumstances be the subject of any dispute on the part of the winner, nor of an exchange or any other consideration of any kind whatsoever.

Article 9: Promotional operations

By accepting his prize, the winner authorizes the organizer to use his name, trademark, corporate name and e-mail addresses for promotional purposes on any medium of his choice, without this reproduction opening right to any compensation or compensation other than the prize won.

Article 10: Personal data

The personal data collected as part of participation in the competition is recorded and used by the organizer for the requirements of their participation and the allocation of their winnings.

In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978, participants have the right to access, rectify or delete information concerning them. Any request must be sent by post to the organizer's address mentioned in article 1.

Article 11: Liability

Article 11-1 Liability of the organizer

The organizer's liability is strictly limited to the delivery of the prizes actually and validly won by the winners. The prize awarded to the winner is managed by the Organiser.

The Organizer reserves the right to shorten, extend, postpone, modify or cancel these rules if the circumstances so require.

In any event, its liability cannot be engaged in this respect. In such circumstances, the Organizer will put in place the technical means to inform the participants on the social networks (and/or the website). The Organizer will make the effort to allow access to the game at any time, without being bound by any obligation to do so. The organizer may, at any time, in particular for technical, updating or maintenance reasons, interrupt access or cancel said game.

The organizer will in no way be responsible for these interruptions or cancellations and their consequences.

The organizer will make every effort to ensure that the winner determination system complies with the rules of the game. The organizer cannot be held responsible, without this list being exhaustive, for any technical, material or software failure of any kind. whatsoever, the risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the network and the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation.

Article 11-2 Responsibility of the participant

It is expressly reminded that it is the sole responsibility of the participant to ensure that the information he provides when registering for the game, in particular his contact details, are correct and that they will allow him to participate in the game and, if necessary to benefit from the prize he would have won. Participation in the game implies a loyal attitude, in compliance with these rules.

The organizer reserves the right to disqualify, without notice, and/or not to award a prize to any participant who has disregarded the provisions of these rules, in particular by fraud, or even to take legal action against him before the competent courts. Participation in the game implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limits of the Internet both in terms of technical performance, response times for consulting, and for querying or transferring information.

Article 12: Force majeure / reservations

The responsibility of the organizer cannot be incurred if, for a case of force majeure or beyond its control, the competition should be modified, shortened or cancelled. The organizer reserves the right to modify these rules or the date and its liability cannot be incurred. The organizer reserves the right to carry out any verification that it deems useful, relating to compliance with the rules, in particular to exclude any participant who has made an inaccurate, misleading or fraudulent declaration.

Article 13: Disputes and applicable law

The Rules are governed by French law. Any difficulty in applying or interpreting the Rules will be resolved exclusively by the organizer. In the event of a dispute, the courts within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Paris will have sole jurisdiction. No telephone request or complaint concerning the application or interpretation of these rules will be answered. Any dispute or complaint relating to the competition and/or the draw must be made in writing to the organizer's address. No dispute will be taken into account two days after the closing of the competition.

Article 14: Costs of participation in the competition

Internet connection costs (lump sum reimbursement of 0.15 euros including tax per connection on the basis of a 3-minute connection, i.e. 0.05 euros/minute) relating to participation in the competition, as well as postage costs relating to this request (20g slow rate in force) will be reimbursed on simple written request posted before 31/03/2022 inclusive (postmark serving as proof) to the address of the competition. The reimbursement request must include the following elements:

  • The surname, first name and full email address of the participant
  • The date and time of connection
  • A photocopy of the detailed bill from the telephone operator and/or access provider. This photocopy will serve as proof of address.
  • A RIB (Bank Identity Statement) or RICE (Caisse d'Epargne Identity Statement)

The name and address of the person requesting the reimbursement must be the same as those mentioned on the bill from the telephone company. It being noted that certain Internet access providers offer a free or flat-rate connection to Internet users, it is expressly agreed that any access to the competition site taking place on a free or flat-rate basis cannot give rise to any reimbursement, in insofar as in these hypotheses the fact for the participant to connect to the website and participate in the competition does not incur any costs or disbursements.

Reimbursement of the stamp used (at the slow rate 20g in force) can be obtained, until 31/03/2022 inclusive (postmark as proof) on simple written request to the address of the game-contest (below “Address of the competition”): Inetum – Competition / DIRCOM – 145 avenue Victor Hugo, 94300 Saint Ouen.

The request for reimbursement of the stamp must be attached to the request for payment and must include the following elements: the name of the participant, his first name, his postal address, a RIB (Relevé d'Identité Bancaire) or an RICE (Relevé d'Identité of Caisse d'Epargne).

The settlement of transactions is sent, free of charge, to any person who requests it, in accordance with Article L. 121-7 of the Consumer Code. This request can be sent to the Contest Address.