Cogit Tradefees

Enhance your relationship with your distributors and managers

Cogit Trade Fees – the software vendor with expertise in managing the liabilities of management companies and the distribution of UCITS Your expert software package for liability management Inetum Cogit Trade Fees is an innovative software solution for asset management companies, private banks, life insurance companies, trustees, distributors and partner platforms to industrialize liability monitoring, distribution agreement management, and commission and retrocession calculation.

For liability management with significant flexibility in position reconciliation and retrocession calculations

Thanks to process automation and intuitive steering and dashboarding tools

The functional coverage of the solution is unique on the market in order to benefit from best practices and optimize return on investment

An open platform that integrates easily with your information systems and allows you to streamline processes thanks to significant interoperability with your existing tools

Optimal technological support for the asset management industry

Cogit Trade Fees, the complete front-to-back solution for liability management and distribution – a powerful and modular expert software solution that can easily be integrated into different environments.

A mature management solution


Centralization of all historical data from the management of orders, customers and distribution players to monitor the performance and results of your distribution strategies.

Proven multi-entity solution


Automation of all processes, combined with the configuration of management and control rules for operational security, risk reduction and a significant reduction in processing costs.



Cogit Trade Fees, a unique functional solution

Manage the performance of your strategies to distribution UCITS and liabilities. Cogit Trade Fees, your innovative software solution for the industrialization of fund liability management and UCITS distribution

The platform automates this control step, allowing users to focus on understanding discrepancies and resolving them

Data feed automation, workflow automation, and STP automation enable a significant reduction in processing costs, a reduction in time, and prioritized management of critical operations.

Automation of flows with fine-tuning of management rules and centralisation of data and repositories for optimum operational control. Cogit Trade Fees offers advanced features for secure authentication, functional access control with profile and user authorization, and traceability and auditing.

An integrated solution for the entire processing chain of order marking, position keeping, distribution network management, agreements and remuneration (calculation of all fees - commissions, retro-commissions, duties, expenses).

The functional response to your performance needs​

Cogit TradeFees – your complete management software that integrates all business processes as standard A complete, modular, and scalable offer

  • Dashboard and alerts

  • Order book

  • Tracking positions

  • Marking orders

  • Matching stocks

  • Managing pricing conditions

  • Simulation of agreements

  • Calculation of commissions and retrocessions on outstanding amounts

  • Calculating pricing on operations

Real-time analysis of UCITS subscriptions/redemptions and positions

Standardized or on-demand reporting by entity, by type of fund, by type of investor, or by sales rep.

The solution preferred by insurers for its user-friendliness

More than twenty insurers have placed their trust in Inetum as part of their IS transformation and management process automation projects for unit-linked life insurance policies.

Our clients say it best - see what they have to say.

“We chose Cogit TradeFees because it meets the needs of both a promoter and a distributor and a fund distribution platform. We use it mainly to calculate retrocessions, commissions on movements, management fees, etc. The solution is simple and easy to use, which facilitates its appropriation and the sharing of information between our different users.” 

A solution in line with Inetum's related offers

Cogit Tradefees, the Inetum group's liability management software editor can be easily integrated into the group's various third-party systems

Cogit Starcust and related applications from the Inetum Group

Thanks to its open and interoperable ecosystem, Cogit Trade Fees can easily be integrated into the various third-party systems and peripheral applications of the Inetum group in terms of desktop publishing, archiving and Big Data.


> Bdoc Suite

implementing a smooth and connected customer-communication experience 

> Bdoc Rflow

an intuitive and customizable digital archiving and workflow solution

> MyMetriks

Data Viz: customized status, configured to the user’s specific needs