Wind-Farm Monitoring Solution​

Renewable Asset Management Platform​

Development of a solution for wind-turbine operations and maintenance (capture and processing of production and operating data from 6,800 turbines in target) based on an industrial IoT platform (Cumulocity by Software AG)​

  • The Client is one of the leading integrated, overall manufacturers of innovative onshore wind-turbine systems. In 2019, the client generated sales of around EUR 3.3 billion with 6,880 employees. The Client has installed wind power capacity of more than 28 GW in over 40 markets.​
  • To strengthen its digitalisation strategy,  the company plans to connect and monitor its 6,800 existing wind turbines using an IoT platform. Being able to access the vast dataset from wind turbines globally in real-time will enable the Client to generate new services and drive operational efficiency.​
  • Inetum has a proven track record of large-scale data management projects. Inetum is a long-term Cumulocity R&D partner (since 2012) within the Software AG Group Alliance.​
  • 3 business projects (Availability Reporting Tool, Control Centre Application, and DevOps for Overall Platform) running in parallel supported by a delivery model based on 3 Agile Teams (20 FTE) distributed on 3 sites (in Poland) and working in DevOps mode.​
  • Key Benefits for the Client: Minimise time for turbine maintenance, handle large amounts of measurement data from thousands of windfarms, Secure SLA promised to their clients.​