Inetum is the only company in Portugal certified to resell SAP training

Inetum is the only company in Portugal certified to resell SAP training

Inetum is the only partner of SAP Education that is certified to resell and deliver SAP's official training courses in Portugal

Inetum, a market leader in the implementation of SAP solutions, is the only partner of SAP Education that is certified to resell and deliver SAP's official training courses in Portugal.


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Inetum, a market leader in the implementation of SAP solutions, is the only partner of SAP Education that is certified to resell and deliver SAP's official training courses in Portugal, which includes the e-learning platform "SAP Learning Hub". Inetum is also a partner certified by DGERT (Directorate-General for Employment and Labour Relations), the entity that recognises appropriate pedagogical practices for the development of training activities in Portugal.

Inetum Portugal is responsible for the management of one thousand licenses of the Inetum Group's platform, as well as the maintenance of certifications in the group.
Currently, the company is also extending the partnership with SAP in the field of training to other geographies, starting with Morocco, where the first steps are already being taken to obtain certification as a SAP Education partner.

"We believe that training and certification are strategic pillars for a company's success. That is why Inetum has invested in internal and external SAP training, through our SAP Training & Education service - certified by DGERT and SAP Portugal.", explains Francisco Febrero, Group Corporate VP, CEO SAP BL & Head of Portugal at Inetum.

Isabel Mota, responsible for Training at Inetum, clarifies that "We defend that training is the first step to take to obtain the intended professional success, to expand the degree of qualification, and to facilitate insertion in the labour market, as well as career progression. Proof of this is that our clients recognise our experience in services and training products and have increased their investment in SAP training, a technology in which we are market leaders".

The most popular training areas are Computer Science, Foreign Languages, Personal Development and Management and Administration. In 2019, Inetum carried out 34,241 hours of training in Portugal, covering a total of 935 trainees. A number that, due to the pandemic context, has been reduced by about half, in 2020, but within the expectations and training that were planned to take place as part of the partnership with SAP. In 2021, and still experiencing an adverse context, Inetum achieved a turnover of 47 thousand euros with the resale of the partnership with SAP and a further 33 thousand euros in training organised and prepared by Inetum. In total for the year, Inetum provided training to 464 people.

For this year, Inetum's expectation is that the training business area will grow and reach a turnover of around 150 thousand euros.

Training anywhere and anytime

One of the tools in the training area is the e-learning platform SAP Learning Hub, which offers easy access to an extensive knowledge base, with flexible learning options and no need for scheduling.

This interactive space, which offers online learning rooms, allows you to pose questions to a SAP expert, collaborate and interact with other learners, complete challenging tasks and review exercises proposed by the instructor.

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