Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Career - Portugal

By applying to a vacancy at Inetum Portugal, the data controller, you authorise us to collect your personal data and to use it for the purposes of a recruiting process and all hiring procedures.

We will collect and process the following data: your surname, first name(s), age, postal address, email address, former position(s) and/or current position (hereafter referred to as your “Data”).

In addition, your Data will be used to contact you and process your application.

You are not obliged to provide this Data. Your Data is processed on the basis of your prior consent to this processing.
If you refuse consent, your Data will be deleted from all our databases. However, please note that any failure or refusal to provide your Data will cancel the application process.

To exercise your rights or to make any other requests concerning the processing of your Data, contact Inetum Portugal directly, using the following email:

For the purposes of these provisions, your Data may be retained for a maximum period of 24 months. Upon expiry of this period, without any activity (new applications), your Data will be deleted from our databases.